Downloads - Products

Here you find material concerning Kinesiology, Course descriptions and dates in Berlin, issues of health and self-healing. You can download the pdf-files.
Remark: Most information is in German language.
For Reading the pdf-files you needn Acrobat Reader (or alternativly the Foxit Reader  - more slim. One of these programs is mostly installed on your computer or can be downloades for free.

Infos concerning Kinesiology-Courses and Trainings

Infos concerning Kinesiology, Health and similar subjects

Infos participants or Trainings

You can rent our nice course - room and a room for individual sessions

The Kinesilogieschule has a nice Course room (Stuck-ceiling, ca 50 m2) with uses of kitchen, chairs. & Yoga matresses are available. You can rent it for suitable Activities (Weekends, during the week, evenings). Prices on request.

A small room for individual sessions (nice wooden floor) can be rented on regular base (1-3 day per week.
Kursraum der Kinesiologieschule

Products you can order

Reference Charts for Touch for Health

Contains all important Infos for the Balance.:  Pictogram of the Muscles, Reflexpoints NV + NL, Positions of Pulses, tonifying acupressure points, nutritional infos.

  • One Chart   (a/b): Infos of 14 Muscles (Course TfH 1 / 2):
    Best.No. 01 - 8 Eu
  • Three Chartes (1-6): Infos for 42 Muscles (Course TfH 1 - 4): 
    Best.Nr. 02 - 22 Eu
  • All four Charts of above Positions:                         
    Best.Nr. 03 - 28 Eu
Touch for Health-Tafeln

Kurzfassung der Affirmationen etc. zu AP1

Reisefassung der Infos zu AP 1 (Blütenessenzen), 1 Seite pro Meridian mit Übersicht wichtiger Fingermodi. Nur für frühere Teilnehmer des entsprechenden Kurses.

Best.Nr. 10


Musceldance - Cassette zu Touch for Health

(mit / ohne Gesang von Name & Meridian, Yin von weiblicher, YANG von männlicher Stimme, eingängige Musik). Produktion Dobrowski.
Best. Nr. 11   18 Eu


DVD zur Kinesiologie

Zwei Kinesiologie-Sitzungen zum Thema "Lampenfieber" und "Rückenschmerzen" mit Mandiro Ordyniak

(17 Euro + 4 Euro Versandkosten).


Versandkosten ab 3.50 Eu. Mengenrabatt möglich.